Kevin Matras goes over a neutral to bearish call strategy that you put on as a credit in your account.
Entry orders are used for opening a position at the exact price you want, without the need to constantly monitor the market. In this video we’ll show you what circumstances are best for using entry orders and taking advantage of breakouts. Learn how to use entry orders with virtual money for free at At
In today’s episode of let’s talk stocks, we are going to go back to another technical analysis video, and we’ll take a look at the symmetrical triangle pattern. I’m going to show you both the bullish and bearish case scenario for this pattern. We’ll take a look at what the pattern looks like, its previous
The difference between the buy and sell price (also known as bid and ask) is one of those things that mystifies newbies. We’re not used to having two prices for the same thing when we go to a store or shop online. This video explains in detail what they mean and why it’s there in
Kevin Matras goes over the benefits of a bull call spread and how it can help you earn big profits on relatively small moves. Listen to Kevin Matras explain options trading further in our podcast!
Learn how to use ThinkorSwim to analyze option trades. Thinkorswim analyze tab is similar to other platforms. Of course, there are some small differences, but I’ll show you how to use this analyze tab the right way. #analyzetab #thinkorswim #optiontrades #thinkorswimplatform #analyzetabtutorial Posted at: ???? Newsletter & Announcements : ???? Discord Group:
The best way to use the Zacks Rank with Options is to know what style your stock falls into and which strategy best suits that style.
The Hammer and Hanging Man patterns go hand in hand and represent a bullish and bearish signal. In this video trading expert David Jones breaks them down and shows us how to spot them on the chart, how to interpret their appearance and what to watch out for before making a trading decision. At Trading
Double Diagonal Strategy is said to be the most flexible option strategy — do you want to know why? Find out the reason in this video! Check this out and know if it’s the best strategy for you! #optionstrading #tradingoptions #bestoption #optionstrategy #doublediagonals Get our Options Diagonals Course Here: Posted at ???? Newsletter
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Risk management is the main focus of this trading psychology video. David Jones focuses our attention on how to balance risk and reward when opening trades and how limiting losses carries the same weight as getting maximum profits. How to set Stop Loss and Take Profit levels is also shown with easy to understand real-life
Today we’re going to talk about vertical spreads vs iron condors. Are spreads better than iron condors, in terms of risk? Considering that an iron condor could lose money in both directions, whereas a spread can only lose money in one direction, so what is the better strategy? In this video I’ll give you my
David Borun goes over the best methods for closing a trade, despite how your original thesis was correct, or incorrect.
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The Ascending Triangle: -It resembles accumulation. -It is a bullish pattern. -It doesn’t have to happen on an uptrend, but it is very helpful when it does. -The top of the triangle is fairly straight and the bottom of the triangle is ascending. The stock ascends and descends between these two lines of the triangle.
Should you be investing in any of these three companies in 2016? Alibaba: AT&T: JC Penney: Follow us on StockTwits: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
Trend channels are one of those chart formations that traders love. They provide security and ample opportunity to profit from price swings in both directions, while still calmly continuing a larger up and down move (unless we have a horizontal channel that is). But are there any risks when trading a channel and how exactly
I’ve got a question for you. How many shares are you trading currently on per trade basis? How do you decide that? Well, there’s a lot of people out there that wonder exactly this “How many shares should they trade” Should I trade 2 percent of my account size? Or just always trade 100 shares
Selling with the goal of profiting, also known as shorting, is one of those things that many new traders are baffled by. How can I sell something that I don’t own? How can I win if something appears to be losing? This video answers those questions and more. From the definition of the term, to
Institutional investors can and do move the market. Discover how you can use this information to your advantage through the use of the Zacks Rank.